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December 2020

  -  News   -  December 2020

December 2020


Jean-Francois Spricigo 

Human being with an enthusiastic tendency, quick to wonder and quite impatient, Jean-François Spricigo is back to les Treilles to work on his project. For him, the wolf crystallizes a certain duality in the Man, between his wild part (the wolf) and his domestic part (the dog). Starting from reality and legends linked to the figure of the wolf, he would like to deepen the relationship with them, what they symbolize and what they embody, thus humbly bring a more soothing representation on the necessary cohabitation between Man and the animal, through photography and text.


The following reports have been published last month :

Sophie Lalanne’s residential study (in French) : le Roman, la cité et l’empire

Pierre Morel’s seminar : About warfare

Seminar organized by Olivier Bernard and Filipa Lopes : Convergent aquatic photosynthesis modelling of our planet


Do you wish to apply to one of the activities proposed by the Fondation des Treilles ? Please consult the page dedicated to each activity to know more about our application procedures.

– For the Author’s Residency Prize  (for 2021) : January 31, 2021